Get unstuck. Move forward. Feel better.

EMDR Therapy

“Trauma comes back as a reaction, not a memory.” - Bessel van der Kolk

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a structured, evidence-based therapy modality used to help alleviate mental, emotional, and physical symptoms associated with past traumatic or overwhelming experiences. EMDR is a highly researched modality and is an approved treatment option for trauma/PTSD.

The brain is a magical thing. It is constantly taking in and processing information, with that information going through a type of “filter” to determine what needs to be brought to the conscious awareness. The information is stored, processed, and then integrated into networks that make up our working memory.

But, when we experience a trauma, that normal chain of processing essentially “fails” and becomes stored in fragments outside of that working memory. So, when those fragmented networks get triggered, we react as if the trauma is happening right now, which triggers the trauma response cascade in our bodies.

EMDR is used to help reprocess and then reconsolidate those fragmented memories into our conscious working memory, where we know it is in the past. This is done by using bilateral stimulation to mimic the natural reprocessing that happens during REM sleep. This gives the brain an opportunity to utilize its own natural ability for healing in a safe space.

While EMDR has most research based in trauma and PTSD, it can be utilized to ease a number of other issues: anxiety, persistent depression, phobias, disordered eating, body dysmorphia, obsessive/compulsive behaviors, substance use, grief, etc.

Are you motivated for permanent change but feel frustrated with talk therapy alone? EMDR can help you explore ways to move forward. For good.

EMDR can help you…

  • Reprocess traumatic and overwhelming experiences from emotionally charged reactions to logical memories

  • Challenge core negative beliefs about yourself that tend to hijack emotions

  • Calm the nervous system, reducing the tendency to engage in maladaptive coping mechanisms

  • Exploring the connections between past and present

  • Get out of the endless cycle of feeling “stuck” and take back control of your life

Once adaptive narratives don’t always fit the present and can block the future.

Break the cycle.